Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had to hire an attorney to get 4 out of five of his tickets thrown out (only took him 3 months and two pull-overs to get 5 written on him).

Then he stiffed me on the attorney fees.... :finga:

Our original deal was I would pay his insurance until he got two tickets on his record. I was going against myself getting him an attorney, but had to to save my insurance rates...

He kept using the "only one stuck" excuse to get out of it... :evil3:

Then some of his friends try to tell me that he's the best driver that they know.... They don't realize that by them saying that, it just proves that he drives like an a--hole... (not that I didn't when I was his age- but this isn't about me....). By them saying that, just proves how fast he is really driving.... #-o

well hopefully he will come to his senses and realizes how good his dad is and what you do for him.

It really opened my eyes when I realized how much my parents were there for me when I made mistakes and they were willing to pay whatever to get me out of it.

That's why I am really careful now because I don't want them to have to pay more and be inconvenienced just because of me being a dumbass