Hughes cams

Hughes has probably done more work on designing cams specifically for our engines than anyone else out there arguably. The ramps are aggressive I suppose but they have cams to suit all combo's and desired outcomes! The difference is they design even the most mild "stock replacement" cam to outperform a stock replacement cam! Which is a GOOD thing! It makes me laugh when I hear their cams are "too aggressive"?!? Makes no sense when you think about what good/efficient cam design is supposed to do for ANY engine build/outcome which is MAKE THE MOST POWER IN THE DESIRED RPM RANGE! You want "lazy"? Go plop a junkyard 318 in your car and join Grandma at bingo night....sheesh ok rant over

RRR I'm not sayin lazy ramps are bad or the old school grinds have no use I'm just sayin maybe step down a couple grinds on a Hughes line and still make more power??

Hughes Whiplash in my Duster is great, absolutely love it. I'd go with Hughes again, if not I'd go with one of Harold's grinds he designed for the Lunati "VooDoo" line...same principles applied

Ironically I spoke with Dave and he actually wasn't a big fan of the Whillash style cams but the Thumpr was so popular and he was getting demand for a GOOD Chrysler version so they designed one (for idiots like me), and it works! But he's always subscribed to the walk lightly but carry a big stick philosophy! Looser lobe sep's, better idle quality and drivability, more vacuum but fast(er)ramps taking advantage of the .904 lifter diameter (and why not) to make great power in a same rpm range. This whole notion of them being "race" cams couldn't be further from the truth...ok now rant over. :)