does anyone here like Punk Rock?

I agree Blinks more like alternative.

They came out of the mid-90's So Cal 'pop punk' scene which again, was not 'punk' in any way, shape or form. Don't get me wrong, there were some great pop punk style bands but to me they were always just an afterthought. Was never an Offspring fan really. I was into Pennywise though, Face To Face etc.

I admit that many of my absolute, all-time favorite bands came from So Cal but they were from a different time and had a different attitude altogether. The Descendents were the first 'pop punk' band that I know of.

It's funny that the OPs dad is 58, likes Blink and his kid thinks it's 'punk'. It's OK I guess, we can't all be at the forefront of deviant culture. :D