does anyone here like Punk Rock?

I'm confused - subject line says Punk Rock, but first post talks about Blink 182? ;-)

I was a big fan of LA punk bands back in the '80-'85 era - had a mohawk back when people would pull across three lanes of traffic to stop and ask if you were looking to start something
Stopped being fun when the skinhead gangs (e.g. Circle One, Suicidals, DYG, LMP) were doing 50-on-1 fights at all the shows

My son's friend thought it was so awesome that I had seen Suicidal Tendencies (they sucked live back then - boring - they're a lot better now). My son wore all my old t-shirts to high school. They've seen a few of the bands from my youth now at various lots-of-bands festivals.

It was great to go see 7 bands for $5 twice every weekend

(and don't take my first sentence to heart - "LA punk's not real punk" was the common sentiment with the Brits and NY folks - so it's just a tradition to rag on everybody else's scene)