does anyone here like Punk Rock?

The Hardcore scene is alive and well in Kansas City. Like it was mentioned before, it's very underground. Usually played in a shitty back room of a warehouse or even a print shop. It ain't about the money, chicks or fame. The kids do it for the love the music. If they see a hundred people at the door that's a big turnout. The touring bands get paid just enough to get to the next city, and usually crash on someone's floor. The local bands are just there to fill the bill. They are all good kids and I'm proud to be associated with them.

I shot this a month or so ago. I'm always the old guy in the back with the camera trying not to get his beer knocked over! Warning NSFW, strong language.

[ame=""]SPINE - KANSAS CITY, MO - FEBRUARY 27, 2015 - YouTube[/ame]