Gold Membership fee now go up to $40.00?

Your reading it all wrong. Of course I am happy to take suggestions. But I have no intention on taking something away from Non gold members. There are other things that have been suggested that the software doesn't allow me to do.

I don't know why your so hostile.

I'm not being hostile at all. Did I use all caps? Have I cussed you out? No. I am trying to convey the situation as I see it. All you can do is look at my suggestions literally. All you see is "the software cannot do that". That's a cop out.

The software can be worked around by those things that designed it in the first place. You know? People? There's is a way to do everything. Web sites have a life span unless they change and evolve. Refusing to listen to members with good suggestions will probably shorten that life span. This is coming from someone whose seen more than one model railroad site die just because of this same reason. Lots of valuable, irreplaceable information lost forever.

There's more than one way to do something, yet talking to you about it is like talking to a brick wall. "The software cannot do that", I don't want to limit this and that". It's always something, some reason why you don't want to change anything......and there are some things that need changing. Just because the software isn't capable, doesn't mean it cannot be done. It's like you don't even want to try.

Trust me. If I was hostile, you'd damn well know it. I got no problem telling you or anyone else exactly how I feel. What's the worst you can do to me? Ban me? I can find other things to occupy my time. My point is, you have people outside your mod team that are telling you things can be improved upon. There has been more than me here saying the same thing. You keep thinking within the limitations of the software. There's more to it than that.

It's not like yall have to get involved in hardly anything other than regular site maintenance. Been that way for a while. You not only have software. You have human modware. That's irreplaceable and can do things well above and beyond any software on the planet. You said in this thread that you care about what all members think, gold or not. You're not doing a very good job of proving that.