Stop in for a cup of coffee

I drove by NYC once, almost got lost... #-o

Missed my turn, then when I tried to take an exit to turn around had to go down 3 LEVELS to the ground, then find a way to turn around, then find my way back up 3 levels of street and try go figure out where I should have turned.... :banghead:

Not in a hurry to go back there... :wack:

I get lose easy enough on one level, I don't need two extra levels to complicate things more.... :violent1:

Nothing against New York, just don't like to drive near there where I can get lost real easy. :D

And you don't dare ask anyone downtown for directions when you have out of state plates, because if they notice they may direct you down a dead end alley and rob you... (I know how the big city streets work)... :finga: