Finally figured it out!! Prototype underway!!

Skepticism aside, why not just prototype and produce what you have, after testing and then mention and offer it to the public?

I feel like unique and useful things usually find their place in the market on their own, with basic advertising.

I have a few ideas of my own that I've blueprinted, but I'm not going to set up camp until I've got something in hand that I know works well and I've used long enough to refine on my own, along with a few guinea pig giveaways.

Its hard to keep an audience in the era of vaporware. Not saying that there is or will be nothing, here, but that is usually the case, so people wait and become disinterested by the time the product is ready for delivery.

I've seen a few publicly funded projects go south, because of testing hang ups in the middle of group buys.

Even Jamie over at Passon had a ton of people flogging him and he had some serious amount of product to show.

From one designer to another, take my humble advice and just be careful not to jump the gun.


I have a cousin that was constantly bragging to everyone that would listen about the next huge idea he had, and how he was going to make millions and buy everyone in the family something nice the following christmas. He would get everyone excited and happy, and start acting like he was Mr. Big Shot inventor/engineer/entrepreneur before he'd even started working on it.

This happened several times, at least 5 or 6 that I remember, and each time he never went beyond drawing doodles on a piece of graph paper and buying a bunch of raw materials or a special tool he thought he would need. When it came time to actually produce something, he would stall and make excuses and then just go silent for several months. Then out of the blue he would announce the next big thing and it would start all over again.

My advice: Make the damn thing, apply for a patent, test it thoroughly on your own car, THEN announce it.