USPS has........
Not true, at least here. Rural carrier services our route. Few years back he stopped bringing packages to t he houses. According to him and the "postmaster" of the Ford PO due to our roads being private he is not insured while on them. He gets stuck, hits a tree or gets in an accident he is different than if you or are were to get in a wreck in Walmarts parking lot.
In an LLV? I'm under the impression all rural carriers were going into them and out of their privately owned cars.
I know they cut the city routes so badly and overburdened them to free up LLV's. Doug you know how the USPS insures their fleets. Private road or not, they got it handled. There aren't any rural carriers in privately owned cars here now at all with the exception of the contract routes. Then, if they are under insured, that's their problem.
As for the different zip codes,
I can't splain that at all!
looks like the carrier scanned it out for delivery to the right zip, but somewhere, somehow something got messed up.
I'm going to have to call that one a S.N.A.F.U.
But, I still think you're being lied to, I've just seen it way to many times by those SOB's.
But what you really need to keep in mind is this, the tracking and scanning devices that the USPS uses isn't for customer use at all. They aren't even kinda concerned with where your package is. That whole system is in place to track and keep tabs on the carriers and other employees. It tells postal management when and where the carrier was at a given time. So, when your package was scanned, they knew the carrier was at your house at 2:17, they can look at the route book and see if that is an acceptable time for the carrier to be there. If the carrier is running late, moving fast ect. They only want to see one piece of data on that string, the rest is not relevant.
Doug and the other Postal employees on here will tell you, USPS is no joy to work for. I'm certain that Stalin wrote the management handbook and the North Koreans adopted it as a way of life.
I've never seen a more crap way to handle people in my life, the military was kinder!