Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had to type an Email to a guy I bought a tailpanel for my GTS from. I got the panel yesterday and when I opened the package, I discovered that the guy misrepresented it even though he provided pics. Basically told me that it had no ding dents or scrapes, and that all it needed was stripped, polished and re painted. Wrong... I found at least two spots that have been tried to repair from the backside. But that aint the end of the problem. Ups crushed the box on each end so badly that the panel is now crimped on each end. He says it was insured for $500 so we will see . I expect the seller to refund some funds to me as well. I paid, what I consider to be a lot of $$ for this panel and I'm pissed.
:pale: that sucks !! packed chitty ?