Stop in for a cup of coffee

And they all want high-paying jobs after graduating high school.... :banghead:

Why should an employer pay someone sick money for doing a job that anybody can do. :finga:

You need a unique or good skill set to earn good money, not just get it thrown at you for nothing.... Go to college, learn a skilled trade, get some training somewhere if you want to earn more than minimum wage....

It kinda makes you wonder about the whole "time out" thing. What about the old days when the dad "whooped my ***" and that always ended with "I never did that again"....

Now, it's "No big deal, they will give me a time-out... It's worth it..."

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No kidding. My youngest wants everything handed to her. I cut her of when she turned 18 and is lost in life now. Had almost a free ride in a cosmology school, we gave her gas and food money and it turned out she got thrown out for attendance wit a month to go. She was cutting out 3-4 days a week. That was my point of no return.