Stop in for a cup of coffee

Just a bit ago. Just woke up way to early to let the pooch out.

I took a nap at 8. Then went to watch tv up front at 10 and dozed off again for a bit. The kid came in from work at 10:30...

I got up from the recliner at 1:30 and came back to my room.

I may have to reformat my hard drive and recover my whole operating system. Ever since my crash a week and a half ago, my computer will start to act funny after a while... And when I tried to work on some CAD homework, I picked the english unit template, and the dimensions are showing in mm.... WTF??? :violent1:

Then hope that I can re-download it again after recovering my system...

If I have to do it, I will post up. Just in case I get lost in cyber-space and can't get my computer back up in reasonable time, you all send the cyber-posi out to look for me in a black hole somewhere... I don't want to get stuck in cyber-space like Tron...

After that is done, then catch up on all the windows updates, and re-load all my other programs.... :banghead: :finga:

And the dog's sacked out hogging the whole bed....