Parts I owe to people (mike440)

I hope no one takes this the wrong way. are feeding right into these guys hands. This is just what they want. They are probably looking at every post and sitting back and gloating about what they got away with SO FAR. Some people get off on stuff like this. They thrive on attension. They thrive on the fact that the whole site is talking about them. It is pathetic but it is true and they know it and love the attension.
I personally had no dealings with Mike but I came damn near with Justin till I saw through him and cancelled the deal. There is a lot of people on here who has been burnt including me at one time or another. If you are going to nail him, do it but I believe they are feeding on all of the attension. I don't know what the answer is right now. I know what it feels like to be taken for money or lied to. It is a violation of oneself. But I don't know if I would be stroking their egos by keeping this going. Just my .02 worth.

Yes, this thread may feed his ego, but it is also calling him out and uncovering more and more of his method of operation... The more we know about him, the better we can catch him sooner next time... The only way he's gonna stop is if he's thrown in jail or somebody "evens the score"....

Now he has to go out and re-establish a new "persona" and start the scamming all over again. Now we are catching on and hopefully will catch him earlier on his next attempt. If anything, it at least stalls his operations for a bit while he "regroups"....

Maybe someone should make up some flyers about this guy and post them all over his town. Let the locals all know what he's doing, and that he's bringing negative attention to their area. Get his townspeople pissed off at him so they treat him like **** whenever they see him... Hopefully run him out of town...

If the guys who got ripped off just let this go, then that's why he keeps doing it as long as he can get away with it. IF these guys all press charges and put some heat on this *** wipe, then hopefully he will get some jail time... If you got ripped off and don't pursue this, then you are supporting him by letting him get away with it. that's exactly why he's doing it, because he can. If you let him, he will keep at it.

Hopefully get grandpa thrown in jail with him. It seems like that's where he got his morals and guidance from. Grandpa is just as big of POS as Justin. Then how will grandpa keep up with the bills on the house when in jail, and hopefully loose his house as a consequence of the punishment. I have no sympathy for guys like this, and believe that they should loose there belongings so they can feel what it's like.... Maybe then, they will realize what they did was wrong... If they are going to take from others, it's only fair that they loose some or all of their belongings. :finga:

Bubba is getting lonely and needs a new beyotch..... :D