Problems with Mike440

Haven't had much time to reply here, investigate, or dig into this anymore due to my weekend work schedule but have been able to read all the posts going on. I do have to say I am not mad at this site or any of the moderators or administrator at all. I guess it's a big chance to take with any website to conduct any business and I am sure it is hard to try to monitor thousands of members and even knowing the trouble makers it is very easy for anyone to create new ID's and sneak (although eventually he seems to re-emerge and his colors known), and yes I guess I was being a bit too nice when I was buying several small items and paid for them at different times the way I did directly, it is still no excuse to not get justice towards a criminal.

I will surely do my part this coming week to see what I can in this. I do encourage anyone who he is scamming right now to give this number a call. The more people we can get to call this sheriff the more of a chance they will take this serious (again) and see he has opened up shop yet once again.

Buckingham county sheriff, A. Jameson 434-969-1772

Seeing as how he/they (whomever) weaseled his way out the first time a few months ago, if he is being a repeat offender now and it can be proven by our records and messages then he may possibly get the jail time he deserves. More than likely he probably has had a criminal wrap sheet ever since he could sell parts off his Sesame Street tricycle to his friends in daycare, take their milk money, and give them nothing but a snotty nose in return. The cops probably have a permanent "police parking only" sign in front of his house from having to go there so much over the years would be my guess.