Posted once before but need suggestions

OK 2 darts we're waiting on Myjacksons reply as to his goals,abilities,help,and budget
for that matter. In the meantime remove the handyman's secret weapon from your
eyes & reread our posts above:)! I mentioned/recommended milling the head in my
1st post, and the.060" because thats about as much as the adj. screw on the rockers
want b4 the pushrod cup gets too close to hitting the arm, esp. if you add a cam w/any
lift. My eng. cc'd at 9.37:1 w/ stock .060 over pistons & enuff off the head&deck that the
pushrod cups were against the rocker b4 it even started lift. They were crane chromolly
I pulled the ends, cut down the length, & pressed them back in. There is a ton of
performance in the heads, but other than putting bigger valves in w/a perf, valve job,
mods should be left to the pros. any mach. shop can do this and it is well worth it even
w/o porting. just blending the cut to bowl is enuff here.I doubled the flow of a slant int.
port using a 1.88 max wedge exh. valve years ago, & judging by what i've read about
other attempts by Sheradon,Engines West, etc. , I believe I'm spot on that that's the
most you'll get from one w/o crazy outwelding etc. stock is approx 97 & the best #'s
i've seen are in the low 200's, which is excellent for the valve size in these bores btw.
Folks here like charlie s & others have been racing these things a long time, so if you
know what you're after mild to wild, there are people here & / to guide you, ok
MyJackson ........ lets have it:happy1: