
I just showed my wife this beautiful picture of your Barracuda! All she could say is "Its red yours is blue". No clue as to the perfect beauty of your early a body and the far distant need of mine still needing all the chrome done and a new paint job! I just am working on installing new aluminum radiator and fighting all that goes with it, needing new fan, new hoses, bolts to mount it, drilling holes, refitting the cooling lines for the trans coolers. No easy fit at all. Just the top and bottom hoses are work as in todays world all hoses are pre fit and sized to cars not even close to my need. I had to go to 2 different parts stores just to match up hoses. I have spent over 450 just on this project so far. I am ready to drive her and just waiting for the new fan pick up tomorrow as old original was to wide for wider aluminum radiator. Issues, but when done she will be cooler running and old radiator no longer an issue with leaks and pressure.

65 Cudalover