2 door swinger body

hi my name is Anthony, and I'm out here and wonderful Colorado. I am looking for a 72 72 dart swinger to door to make a drag car out of. I got a mega block and Bryant Crank and Indy hairs and all the s*** to make a really nasty motor I just have nothing to put it in. so I'm looking at project cars it must be rust free and pretty complete. and I'm not going to pay an absorbent price I'll just sit back and wait till one comes for the right price. If you're interested in wheeling and dealing. I have a 63 Dodge 330 post, I have to 64 Dodge 330 post, I have a couple 62 darts, I have a couple 63 four door cars, I have 62 Plymouth Lee cars, 65 cornet post, all kinds of fun stuff Bridge. and if anyone out there has a 66 D 100 short bed 2 by 4, I'd be interested pM me for details