74 Dart frame repair?

Leave everything bolted up til pulled then swap out the K-frame after it's been pulled.Good luck.

Beg to differ a bit, It will be easier to pull the rail and save it without the much stronger k-frame holding it in a bind. They don't straighten well, and it might not be possible to get the car squared up with the bent k frame in there. Why fight against the bolt on piece your going to replace. I have changed many cradles on the frame machine. I wouldn't be surprised if the op got a call that they need the k frame down there to verify mounting and suspension points before it came off the machine. Doing it in my back yard I would probably measure to see if a new cradle would go in on 2 or 3 bolts so that all they need to do it drop it down. I would bet money that they right rail is also tweaked and the left apron has some buckles.