Problems with Mike440

The only thing that I'm blaming Joey on is for my thread getting deleted that I was trying to put up the necessary info in an easy to reference format, so people don't have to sort through all the pages of the 5 or more threads on this scumbag.

Joey has PM'ed me and I will take this up with him in private so we don't get this thread sideways.

You all take care....

I'm going to take a break after answering a few pm's...

Joey and I are working this out. I'm sorry for flying off and directing my anger at him. :goodman:

He couldn't tell for sure if it was really Justin in Dec or not, but tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. I can see that if it was a new member and he got banned for no reason, that would not be fair to the innocent new member. :???:

However, like us, Joey wants this scumbag out of here and prosecuted. Follow the links that he and the mods have posted and take action. :violent1:

We all need to keep working together to put a stop to him. If you got ripped off, you need to follow through and press charges! It's one thing to get taken, it's another to just sit back and let it happen. By not following through, you are supporting his behavior. If you don't prosecute him, no matter how small it was, then you deserve to loose your money... :banghead:

Put up or shut up... If you don't follow through with charges, then don't come here and complain. :tool:

Let's gather the information that we have confirmed and get it organized. There was a couple of posts with one number off for the fire station, we need to make sure that everyone has the right one. :evil3:

Keep posting bits and pieces of any information that you have on him. It was someone else's info that got me started poking around. Let's keep feeding each other and do our parts to put the pieces of this puzzle together. :???:

Keep this in mind: Justin LOVES to hunt. He posted pictures of one of the deer that he shot. If he gets a felony conviction, his legal right to bear firearms will be forfeited. He will have to stop hunting, or face more felony charges if he gets caught. Eventually the game warden will catch him. This will piss him off and he will regret coming here and scamming you. He will remember this for the rest of his life. That will be worse to him than a good @ss kicking... :banghead: