Problems with Mike440

So, I have to ask this question: were these deals made with Justin Figgat or with Mike440? I ask this question because I do not think they are one and the same person.

Is there a compiled list of parts that each person was trying to buy? If not, would this help? Maybe several people bought the same parts?

From what we've been able to piece together Justin Figgat is mike440. If you have any proof otherwise, please post...

I agree it is a good point to list what 'alias' the deals were made under, it may also help establish a pattern. I think it would help to list the screen name the deals were made under and any name that they were given in any contacts with him. If we are going to start gathering information, lets get as many variables as we can so we can see where it leads us.

Also good point on listing what parts were supposed to be purchased to see if he's doubling up and selling the same part multiple times to different people.

also, how is initial contact for these deals starting. Is he replying to a post in the wanted section, or are they contacting him from one of his posts of parts for sale? Or both? List the screen name he was using, any email addresses that he gave you, phone numbers, return addresses that he used.