Roller cam and turbo charging
I guess it really depends on your goals the cam you picked if its a solid roller seems similar to a truck or rv cam for 400+ cid. A solid lifter cam acts smaller than a similar spec hydraulic cam due to the lash the more lash the more smaller the cam acts. My cam is a hydraulic flat tappet with 226 at .050 and .560 lift, This is going into a 360 the powerband on the cam is up to 5800 rpm will probably make peak power around 5400 to 5600 rpm. You will be running 408 cid and will be running a smaller cam basically. as most solid cams act 5 to 10 deg smaller than simalar hydraulic cam. Comp cams recommended a solid roller 240 240 at .050 on a 114 lc for my 360! that was to get peak power at 6000 to 6200 rpm. You should call howards or bullet. Get more recommendations from more than one company. You really need to know what you are wanting out of your vehicle befor you call so you get the best recommendation.