Best lawn tractor battery

for the last 3 decades a lawn mover batt would last 1 1/2 yr max. NO trickly charge. I bought a Sears mow( looks like a cheap club cadet), ( you guys call a klawn tractor?), the batt in it is now 3 yrs old, still starts like new? ( great batt whatever it is???) their tractor is JUNK!!!! one blade spindle went out at 26 hours, the warranty was good for 25. they sent me one for half price, ($ 135 total ) since they are a good co!??? LOL it is made of aluminum!!! LOL

I used to buy their appliances, quite that 6-7 yrs ago. I will never buy anything from them again! ( except maybe a mower batt!????) LOL
ihand tools anymore! just me............