FABO's best thread.

Lately I have been obsessed with reading and re-reading a particular thread, this thread has a story, a plot, interesting pictures, and is better than a novel.

The way its told is captivating and I find it inspiring.

"Car hunt or BOF & me car shopping" is a thread that is moving and I would nominate this as being ....well the most entertaining thread on FABO


do you have any nominations for FABO's best thread?

When I first joined FABO back in 2010, that user's threads were some of the first that I started reading. If I remember right, I think his wife was on here back then, too. I think she was "ABodyBetty" or something to that effect. I haven't seen either of them on here in a while. Anybody know if they are doing okay, or what's going on with them? I used to love reading about BOF and all the other cars in their family.