Smog laws, in your state: What's Happening?...

Last I knew, there were only two counties in Idaho State requiring testing. Here's an excerpt from the "FAQ" for Canyon county, what does "not" apply:

"The following types of vehicles are exempt from emissions testing requirements according to Idaho Code §39-116B as specified in IDAPA

• Electric or hybrid vehicles
• Motor vehicles with a model year less than 5 years old
• Motor vehicles with a model year older than 1981
• Classic automobiles as defined by section §49-406A, Idaho Code
• Motor vehicles with a maximum gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of less than 1,500 pounds
• Motor vehicles registered as motor homes as defined by Section §49-114, Idaho Code
• Motorized farm equipment
• Vehicles solely engaged in the business of agriculture (defined as “Farm Vehicle” pursuant to Idaho Code §49-123(2)(d))
• GVWR of 14,001 or greater"

"They" (the thems, you know "the others") were thinking of implementing it here in this county a few years ago, NOT because we have a big population here, and NOT because WE generate a problem, but because the EPA had sensors here, and with certain weather conditions, "all that crap" drifts over here from Spokane!!!!

I haven't heard anything lately. I think, prolly, the big bubble burst a few years ago put a stop to quite a few ambitious "projects"