360 timing

10 at idle. Thats good starting point.Like Cudafever said 35 max mech advance is about max.

Best place to find if you car pings after timing is set is deepest hill that you can find near you, slam on gas and listen, if you hear pinging (soung is like two metallic spoons hitting each other) back down timing 2-3 degrees at a time. Pinging happens before you can acually hear it, by accelaring on uphill you are on safe side.

you brobably need to recurve you distributtor for max performance, less max mech adv.

Mine is mild 318 is set 12 deg mech plus maniflold vacuum 10 = 22 decgrees at idle, mine max mech advance is 35 degrees and when cruising advance is about 45 (35 mech and 10 vacuum)

Here is good info between advance and espesially ported vs manifold vacuum.
I know ist from chevy site but same principals apply.
this is why i use MANIFOLD vacuum, ported vacuum is for the smog cars.