Mike's '67 Fastback Featuring Super Slow Progress

I am following your build, while I don't have much thin metal experience I do have a fair amount of welding background and what I think is the basic amount of metal fab skill not to absolutely destroy the thing.

I am also following your situation. I am afraid that is what mine looks like under the cap, however my perches look semi ok.

I know this isn't going to be done for a while, I have already sat on it for ten years so it is what it is. I have gone back and forth on selling it and buying something built already, but I want this one to be mine not someone else's car. If it take ten more years it takes ten more years.

mine is looking like near frame 2x3 from shock mounts back to bumper....thats a get by for now... waiting on estimate from same chassis man to back half it, ladder bars cross member and rails.... wheel houses already have the stock look tub strip added.... hopefully that price is good and that will be done... the harry area is front frames have steel plate welded over frame...so then those have to be done. your cuda will do fine.. get a nice grinder and wheels and bottle of rust-mort and go to work!!! its actually good busy work and watching progress make the job worth while. you should look into those pre fabbed wheelhouse extentions for tubbing/mini-tubbing it... bigger tire would look nice on that car..:violent2: