360 timing

(1) set the initial with the "vac gauge method" (2) shorten the slots to get 35 total & this is with the can capped (initial+slots) (3) mix/match springs so that you are just under the pinging point at WOT up thru the gears on your hottest/driest (most likely to ping) day (4) plug in/adj the can. CCW with a 3/32" allen wrench brings it in slower. I'm running 18 initial on a stock 318 & you have a wild cam. Alot of work but alot of gain to be had. After setting (1) if the starter is cranky when hot then reduce the initial 1 degree & see how it acts. also check rotor phasing/reluctor gap/rotor tip to cap terminal radial clearance (NAPA MO3000 rotor (Echlin) has a .060" longer blade $8 & change out the door or make your own). EDIT this is if you are going on ported, the full manifold article posted is a VG read & sounds doable/beneficial.