What octane should I need?

I've cured that on two fronts using av gas. It's cheaper with plenty of octane.
now coming next you'll hear everyone saying how bad it is for your car and your motor and blah blah blah blah blah. altitude additives blah blah let build up in your motor blah blah. You do plan to take off don't you? You do plan to launch don't you? Most of the blah blah from people reading too much internet. Let the people chime in who actually use the stuff. I use it and it works great but my car is 90% dragstrip also it is not in no way a daily driver at and/or I'm expecting to get 200,000 miles of service. I use it to put in my snowmobiles for the summer because it is so stable and consistent. even my lawn mower seems to like it just because I have cans of it laying around I think why not?