Tom Hoover passed away

Yes, sadly it is real this time. A couple of weeks ago it was communicated to me
by Joe Pappas from Tom Coddington that he had passed away but evidently it
was just a scare and was hastily retracted.

In the meantime we had good news that the disease was misdiagnosed and they
had altered his medication with encouraging results. Even the day before he passed
everyone expected him to be out and about soon as he was responding well.

Then, without warning he was gone. Joe contacted me as soon as it happened but
we decided to hold back announcing anything that we hoped might be premature.

In spending some time around him last summer it did not go without notice that the
men who worked around him in the race group 30 years ago still referred to him as
Mr. Hoover out of respect and admiration.

This is the way I will always remember him as he was obviously enjoying himself.

Godspeed Sir.

I apparently missed your earlier thread. Thanks for the clarification.