Using Aircraft Paint Striper ?

I use the stuff with methylene chloride in it. I've tried other stuff without it, and it just does not work. Also, sometimes epoxies are difficult, it will take repeated applications. You can reuse it, but the trick is to keep it wet. That's why someone said to cover it in plastic. Never tried it that way, was thinking that it would probably dissolve it. I always shake the can up before using it. SAFETY WARNING!!!!! ALWAYS USE A RAG ON TOP OF THE CAN BEFORE OPENING!!!! This stuff with the methylene chloride gasses off and builds up pressure, placing the rag on top just lowers the risk of anything coming out and splattering you. ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES AND GLOVES!! I have used these kinds of strippers a LOT in my previous job. Paint is paint, only difference is the resin that is used. There are only so many additives out there, main difference is the resin, some have better protection than others. This is what I use, it has methylene chloride in it. The other picture is me standing in front of an ANA 737 using a coating I worked on with the chemist. That's me on the right.