Repost from dot org

Really, It's obvious the slant isn't built for that.

exactly my point. its a one trick pony. this thread is trying to compare a purpose built straight line car to a production street car. i have to be a little more impressed with the stock assembly line car hanging with a purpose built drag car myself. i'd gladly sacrifice that 2 mph for all the other stuff that the hellcat offers (and i don't even like the fiat). hell with a little more seat time or a quick tune and or a couple of bolt on's that hell cat may gain more then that two mph..

like i said that slant runs its *** off but i'm more impressed with a car that can do it all. hell i was at the track last night and there was a rotary running in the 9's. 4 cyl cars in the 10's and 11's with no where the chassis work that that slant car has.