Happy Mother's Day! Favorite photo of Mom?

Spent a couple of hours with mom this morning and got back home and fiddle farted around in the yard a bit when the rain lightened up. Not Stopped but lightened up, jeeez its been raining and storming for like 4 days straight. Anyhow the Tornado sirens start going off so I flip on the news and a Tornado is like two miles from house and the Wind really starts picking up and it's raining like crazy now. Jump in the truck head back over to mom's and I'm literally drenched between the truck and her front door about 20 feet away. Go in and she's sitting there watching some Clark Gable movie.

She says "Why you back, you forget something and why are you so wet?"

Mom, do you hear those sirens going off?
Get up mom there's a Tornado a mile away!
But this is a good movie I haven't seen before.
Mom you want to live to see another movie?
O, okay jeeez.

So got mom in an inner room under a doorway and fortunately the storm passed over with no damage but tore some roofs off and flooded the next town over in Argyle.

Okay Mom I'm leaving again.

ok thanks for coming by.

Gotta love Mom's that are tough as nails and still sharp as a tack @ 90 and still smokes her Carlton's too.

And thanks for sharing photo's of your mom's ya'all.