Blown head gasket, likely cause????

Actually, the drivers side of this car is the right side. As we drive on the left side of the road. I actually posted that particular post after a friends birthday party, So I was somewhat impaired. lol

Since it was built, it's been run exclusively on either 98RON, (That's how fuel is rated here) which I think has an AKI of 93. Or Leaded race gas. There's a small gas station on the outskirts of town near a speedway that sells it, so long as you're putting it into a can, or racecar/boat, they sell it to anyone.
So it see's a fair bit of lead.
Funny, because whenever I smell av-gas on the street, it's almost always an old white haired guy driving a muscle car.

The dizzy is one of those horrible chinese ones with the magnum style lead ends on the cap. Which I have on his case about for ages. (why the hell do you have a $150 dizzy on a $7K plus engine etc) He's off to Hawaii later this week, so I think he's getting a new dizzy sent to his friend there. (Postage down here can be quite expensive sometimes)

An old car he used to Daily drive, (non mopar POS) would rattle it's nuts off too. I said to him a few times, holy hell, how much advance are you running? It's pinking it's nuts off. He just couldn't hear it.