Blown head gasket, likely cause????

So he's been looking for a cost effective ignition upgrade.
This one looked to him to be good bang for buck. Being semi retired, a $700+ billet distributor isn't really an option. The car is a primarily a street/occasional tow car. Although he might let me run it down the strip for him a couple of times a year. (If we ever get past these teething problems!)

He likes the look of these
Which are most likely available from speed shops here too.
Any feed back good or bad about these? The bloke over the road from me fitted one to his 350 after it died and refused to start in my driveway one afternoon. By Chance my dad was at my house that day, and he took great delight in Razzing him about how his inferior Chev wouldn't start. (I got the mopar bug from years of brainwashing from Dad lol)

any and all feedback is greatly appreciated.

It's pretty obvious that I'm going to have to lend an ear to the further tuning of this motor, to prevent further gasket failures.