"Next Victim"

Yes! What is the name of that stuff?

I just sold a pair of perfect 15 x 3.5 Fenton Gyros.

That guy from TRICK WHEELS? He and I were emailing all through the pre-production and then he just disappeared. I wanted his Motor Wheel Fly and Flea replicas.

Keystone and Cragar (same company now) should make some new 15x 3.5's

The wheels are the jewelry of the car.

Sorry I missed the replies here, not sure why it didn't come up in my subscriptions. Looks like we are on the same page.

The paint is Rustoleum #7274 Antique Brass metallic. Got the suggestion from Bob Mosher. I used to have a '65 Bel 1 post car and I talked to him a few times. I actually had a set of real-deal 1964 casting magnesium American Racing front runners. I called him once asking about Dow 7 for them, just figured he might know where to get it done but he didn't know. He uses aluminum repros. Those mags were alive! You had to keep them oiled in baggies sealed off from air. Sold 'em a few years ago for double what I paid for 'em. Kinda wish I still had 'em though.

So yeah, my 'friend' was the guy doing Trick Wheels. He lives right up the street from Mosher's in Monrovia. I've known him for a while now through buying stuff from him for my old Belvedere. I was involved in a webpage he had where we uploaded stories and features that never went anywhere. He's done all sorts of things over the years - made A990 seat brackets, engine stands, the wheels, has had all sorts of cars, used to be a magazine editor, tried to make a movie, worked for Joe Amato way back when, was on Shark Tank... now he is doing vintage dune buggy stuff. Went out to California recently and made it a point to get in touch with him to hang out and he blew me off. Nice guy but a flaky dude. Not sure what happened with the wheels. I think they were too expensive to make and to buy.

Anyway, those new wheels on the Duster are in fact jewelry. Nice!

BTW, I had to stick up for Denny on Bangshift today. They had a feature about the Ebay ad that's been up for months now for the green Duster that the guy ruined. The way they described the car in the ad, they didn't really get the idea of the build and had some misinformation in the article. I tried to set them straight in the comments. :D
