Anyone here done this to someone?

I guess I am a party pooper. I don't agree that it's funny to mess around with someone's car. IMO that's lower than a snake's belly. Somebody does that to my truck and they're goin home with a fat lip.

Yes you have a UNIQUE perspective of how horribly wrong practical jokes go.

In our line of work, it would be the 'DUTY VAN' for the Color guard as they drive 500 miles to post the Colors (American Flag cermony) {when it comes to the zip tie prank} -not someone's personal ride.
I have PTSD, guys already know not to sneak up behind me. one of the techs here at work found some fireworks in a used car. Thought it would be a hoot to see what would happen if he tossed a couple in my office.
I hit the deck, the guys had a chuckle. :violent1:
The nice thing about wheel weights, wire ties go right thru the top clips. :finga:
You use real cheap wire ties, heavy enough weights, the ties will snap and the evidence hits the road. :twisted:
Then I get to chuckle when I hear him taking about the sound his truck was making on the way home last night. It's even funnier when he puts it up on the lift looking for the problem.
BTW, you don't get you're revenge right away, they expect it. wait...........

I had a friend that worked for small staffed company in the 80's. They had a LRRP point man with their group. Most of them played jokes on each other all the time. They tasked this bad@$$ with tacking up some safety signs in the stair well (bad@$$ is short), his 6'+ boss leaves the stair case dark, sneaks up and jumps at him while screaming.
The soldier reaches down and grabs a boot knife, & turns around and catches the boss (nigh 300 pounds) with the other single hand in the air & has the knife to his throat in the time that the boss took to jump and fly.

I can see not messing with soldiers. That life lesson paid dividends to this guy that never met them. You definitely have to consider discretion when it comes to practice jokes.

I bought several bags of 'helium quality' (gets very large) balloons and filled a buddy's bathroom until he could not open the door. A couple were filled with shaving cream, a couple filled with water. -No harm, except he couldn't pee right away.

It would be interesting if you could put pink finger-paint on a car, which washes off with water, & have say the wife come back to what she thinks is the wrong house or something. But I would have to try out the finger paint on one of my own 300K mile junker civics before I did it to a car I owned/didn't drive...