Anyone here done this to someone?

-i've saran wrapped the toilet once and went to work on april fools day! -got home, wife was pissed! This was about 4 maybe 5 years ago now.....

When i drove truck i would always truck with a group of friends to the guy i learned from. One of them was an @sshole all the time, to me to everyone but he knew us all..... Well roger lived right above the guy i learned from so one night i went and put hand fulla sand around his gas tank fill.... Not in the gas tank, but around it to "look" as tho someone did.....

Dumb@ss walked 5 miles to the closest gas station to get "new" gas, and went around everyone trying to find a new fuel filter.... Gary the guy i was friends with told him he ought not mess with people, payback is a *****...... So, whats roger ask? Why? Lol gary said, roger think about it..... -i still laugh and so does my friend gary and all his brothers on that one!

The zip tie joke is priceless!
