At home flywheel balance....

It is what it is. It "is" a object that has the potential to reach 8,000 rpm on a missed shift. It can, will and has killed and maimed people. If your experiment fails and it vibrates like hell I hope you get it shut off before it kills your dumb *** or someone else. I am sorry I got no tolerance for morons. You want to experiment do it with something less violent. You ever seen a flywheel explode ????? If you had you would not be playing games with it. Do what you want but it is a 40-50 year old piece of cast steel that has been spinning around behind a motor for god know how long. It has stress cracks galore. Gee Wally I got a idea lets change the balance on this and see what happens. You were warned

I'm not doing any modification to this flywheel that a regular machine shop wouldn't do.
Drilling the wheel.. Yep regular machine shops do that as well as Chrysler itself.
Adding weight, yep regular machine shops do that as well genius .
Static balancing, it's a tried and proved balancing method.
Mc Leod. 440 source and a bunch of other manufactures have bolt on weights as well.
How would you know if the flywheel has stress cracks? Have you seen it? No, you haven't , have you? It's a perfectly serviceable unit.
From your reasoning, everyone who uses a 40 -50 year old factory flywheel is in danger. It's like being worried about your 40-50 year old crank... #-o
Again, your another one who missed the part where I said the wheel would be checked on an electronic balancer at the end of the experiment.
I think we have established who the true moron is here. If your going to run your mouth, at least understand what your talking about and pay attention to previous posts.
Just another naysayer #-o