Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Teresa had one of her Hispanic granddaughters helping to clean up recently around that house we're working on. Today we recieved notice from the city council that they are moving up the deadline to have the work done on the house by a month. Coincidence? - I don't think so.

The weather continues to be a slowing factor in getting the house painted. It drizzled the first half of the day and sprinkled off and on afterwards. So, no painting today. I installed 5 of the new windows and I should get the other 5 in tomorrow. It's too bad Menards screwed up on those picture windows. I'd like to get the downstairs glass done.

Tonight I'm continuing with some of the stained glass work for the house. I'm hoping on having the back door done and ready for re-installation within a few days.