Anyone here done this to someone?

In HS there was a kid named John who just had to be the first one out of the parking lot. He backed into his spot every day just to facilitate his hasty exit and, when the final bell rang, would run at a full sprint to his ride and go.

We joked about taking off a wheel weight knowing he'd be clueless as to what was happening but a better idea broke ground.

Across the front of his car we opened up and taped on a triple centerfold out of a porno magazine picturing a lovely young couple in full-on coitus. As he sped away, we laughed ourselves to tears just going through all the what-ifs.

The next day John revealed how his afternoon had gone stating that he couldn't quite understand why so many people were blowing their horns and giving him a "thumb's up" on his way home. But as it would turn out, his mom was the first one to discover the gag.
