balancer coming apart

Maybe it is the language barrier.
When you said " spun balancer " I took it to mean the outer ring spinning in a manner not consistent with the hub.
Is there a meaning I am not familiar with ?
I don't have a crystal ball.........or a degree in English.
I do have a W-9 motor ............ is that what has your balls in an uproar ?
I have only responded to what you said , but you seem intent on making it some kind of crusade against................against what exactly ?
Against my opinion that quality costs and is frequently worth the price ?
Against American manufacturing ?
Your pointing out the obvious.......... that no manufacturer has a perfect an apples to bananas argument.
I would never try to contradict that point , and in fact , never did.
But when the outer ring is physically mated to the hub ( not bonded by a rubber band ) , it can not spin short of a catastrophic failure that I #1 have never seen and #2 would probably have heard of with this newfangled thing called the internet.
You seem to have had good luck and bad luck with different parts.
Guess what ? That does not qualify you as unique.
It has even happened to me , and it has formulated my thoughts on which parts are worth plunking down my hard earned dollars on.
So when asked , I will offer my opinion.
And apparently , so will you.
Sort of what makes America great.............wouldn't you say ?