ok guys......................here it is

Great work but always wonder why people restore undesirable cars. I mean 4 doors.

More doors arent my personal cup of tea either, but i do admire the effort that goes into anybodies restoration. The fact that theres reproduction headliners, windshield and backlite gaskets, weatherstripping, door panels, upholstery, window sweeps, etc. for A body 4 doors means that theres enough people who like them enough to restore them.

Plus the fact that he restored this car as an exact replica his wife drove as her first car at 16. I dont know him or his wife, but by the love that was put into that valiant i can only assume she really loved that little car. This is probably a time machine of sorts back to a simpler time in life for her.

I know i love that old car musty smell, it takes me back 30 years myself.
