Anyone running overdrive transmission?

There are many ways to go. I chose the 200R4 because I didn't want to do tunnel mods, and there is no Mopar automatic overdrive that will go in without major mods. Check out my thread. I had issues on the install, but they all seem minor now ... as opposed to at the time they seemed big problems. I bought mine with a TCI adapter plate, or I should say a piece of aluminum the size of Rhode Island to mount the transmission onto my motor. The Wilcap adapter, though much smaller and ready to use, is much more expensive. I cut down the TCI and it works just fine. As I posted earlier, I am on my 4th year with this motor / transmission, and I count the transmission to be the best money I have invested in this car. I will highly recommend the 200R4 to anyone. Would I use Art Carr again? Possibly. I like the fact that I can call his company, get put on hold for a minute, and then talk to the man himself. He is always helpful and asks intelligent questions to help you solve your problems and get the right stuff for your car.