Rapom's Rocket - just another Duster build thread
Actual headway has been made over the last couple of days:
Pic 1 Tail shaft bushing replaced, this is what the slip yoke on the drive shaft spins inside.
Pic 2 Slip yoke seal installed. That's the rebuilt main shaft and gear cluster in the bag and the input shaft and bearing retainer in the background waiting for the new main case to arrive. The copper tube is an arbor to hold the needle bearings in place inside the counter gear cluster while it is being installed. When the actual counter shaft is inserted it will push the arbor out the front of the case. I made mine out of 3/4" water pipe cut 8 7/8" long.
Pic 3 Dismantled, cleaned and painted power steering pump. Waiting on a seal kit to reassemble.
Pic 4 Finish on the repaint came out sweet thanks to a thorough stripping of the parts and then baking the primer and finish coats in MaMa Rapom's oven. Ssshhhhh!!!.... don't tell her! I can only get away with this stuff while she is away visiting relatives in Alabama.
Pic 5 Last time we're ever going to see this view of the hood again. Spent all afternoon prepping the hood and scoop for welding. This should be one solid piece by noon tomorrow.