Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well, I got the silverwear drawer fixed in the kitchen...

I can't believe how crappy some people work...

The good part of doing it yourself is you can get it done right....

I increased the support on the sides of the track so you can put more screws in it all the way along the slides. Then got a mini level and put it so it's slightly tilted inward, so it wants to close naturally.

Now I have to return the spare set of tracks, and clean all the silver wear and pots from the cabinet below it that got all full of saw and drill dust... It will take me about 3 -4 loads to get caught up on that...

But my drawer is in and it feels good. Nice and smooth, no binding like before.

I hope it will last longer than the last repair. (I stopped using that handy guy, as he is a hack, no wonder he works so cheap...