426 Hemi

Lets see.I will compare the 426 hemi with a B-52 bomber. Both were laid out by a small group of engineers on the fly in order to meet an impending deadline. Both were designed using slide rules and drafting tables. Both immediately rose to the top of their fields. Both remained on top long after they went out of production. And both,dispite being 50+years old,are not to be trifled with. Still getting it done!
And today's engines,while impressive,are not fifty years worth of technology impressive. Compare a rotary dial land line phone to the latest cell phones. And yet I never "dropped"a call using a land line.LOL.
I have a 392(gen1) two 426s(gen2) and two 5.7s (ones in boxes). Guess which one I don't trust! That's right. The one that had an intake seat just decide to drop out!

ouch... they have a list of engine codes that had that seat problem on those 5.7 's for future reference...