What's my problem?

Even if I were in the market, there's a lot of assumptions being made that aren't being followed up on.

360 stroker. What, exactly is the cubes? Are you prepared to answer that question? From your previous posts, here, no you're not. How do you know it's been stroked?

What are the internals? Your mechanic buddies tell you that it's all good. How do they know unless they've torn the engine down and actually looked? Again, for potential buyers you have to be able to prove it.

450+ hp. Based on what? You've made the claim of no dyno pulls, no quarter mile times, yet you make the claim, offering no evidence. For potential buyers this means something.

The usage of the term "pro-street." Most people think pro-street they think tubbed, tubed, tunnel ram or blower. Something that's meant to run the 1/4 and still be (barely) streetable.

Issue is, you bought this car without doing your own homework and asking the previous owner what he put into it to make it what it is. That's not blaming someone here for what you aren't covering. If someone is going to make an initial investment on the car then they want answers to those things as they would with most cars.

You're not selling a Toyota where all you have to do is make the claim what the mileage is and that you've maintained it regularly. You're selling a specialized car with no specialized information without backing up the claims.