360 Heads

hey highwaystar , still have the 3769974 360 cylinder heads . are they cracked ? i just yanked my off to get them built and one of mine is , right thru the exhaust seat and up thru the casting . im looking for one but i'll buy both if i must . PM me ifyou still have them , i'll send ot th funds . and would wish to ship grayhound bus . is that okay with you ? its the cheapist form of transporting heavy parts . thanks in dvance for all your efforts , thanks pm ps these go on my 64 barracuda 4spd , and i have two more in my a bodies both 69 darts a gt with a 383 auto thinking about converting to a 4spd od its a fun driver and a gts 340 auto . thanks again .
have not heard back from you , makes me wound why , talked this sell over with my builder , and he thinks its a lot of money to send without some crack checking prior to the purchase . i'm maybe jumping the gun on these without an a crack check first . and being its doubling the price to ship them , even if its a trade deal to get them here . if there junk and cracked . they are not worth it . i as i said no reply from you on my questions , just is not right . pm