14.45 with 12 sec combo... HELP

Okay. There seems to be concern about the 32*starting point I mentioned. Heres how I see it.
The OP, sorry Puas, Is not a seasoned track runner. He will have his hands full with a bazzillion other things.No time to listen for detonation. Theres shift points to determine,jets to change,air pressure and shocks to dial in,why does my car pull to the left?,Whoaaah, I need more brakes stuff, is my oil pressure going away? Then there is the excitement factor. and the adrenaline rushes, and your pit-buddies screaming stuff at you. Well, you get it.
Why risk it all the first time out? Once the chassis and brakes are working, and the excitement settles down, then you can start running timing loops.At least he will still have an engine left.
Thats my thinkin, anyway.