1970 Swinger 340 Hemi Orange 4 speed

I started blasting the car... Have I said how much I hate sandblasting? I started off with copper slag but it did not work with the 3/32" tip for the blaster, it kept clogging. (I need a 3/32" tip for the CFM rating of my compressor which is 18.1CFM @ 90PSI) appearantly copper slag needs a larger tip since it's so coarse.. Oh well I learned the hard way.

I used the remaining of my aluminum oxide sand (about 5 minutes worth) and it worked perfectly and never clogged the blaster, so today I am going to pick up some finer grit glass since aluminum oxide sand is really expensive! I'll finish blasting it today and tack up some little holes I tore from breaking the spotwelds, then I'll get ready to epoxy it.